Category: Weekly Reports

The satan-worshipping elite who hijacked power in the West, fighting for their very lives, have staged a massive counteroffensive in Syria and against U.S. President Donald Trump…


Benjamin Fulford 2/17/20 Report: US Corporation fails to meet payments date and threatens to poison world’s water supply

The U.S. Corporate government failed to meet a February 16th payments deadline and is now threatening to poison the world’s water supply, MI6 and CIA sources say.  This was how the threat was conveyed by a senior CIA source: “Remember pure clean water is life…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1 : 9… “Calabrian mafia arrests, International Criminal Court actions against Zionist leaders signal doom for Khazarian mafia”

Full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading (particularly with regard to Trump and why he is doing / saying what he is doing / saying)…


Trump lashes out in all directions as world tension escalates to dangerous levels

World tensions are reaching a dangerous boiling point as an increasingly isolated U.S. President Donald Trump lashes out in all directions.  It looks like Trump is trying to rally U.S. military support for war against Denmark and Mexico in an attempt to seize resources to finance the U.S…


Historic changes unfold worldwide as Zionist project collapses

Truly historic events are unfolding worldwide as the centuries-old Zionist project implodes.  This can be seen with the UN running out of money, a massive Turkish invasion of Syria, and an escalating civil war in the United States, among other things…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 9-16-19… “Khazarian mafia make final push for fake Armageddon with “Iran attack” on Saudi Arabia”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. He continues to note that Trump is a “Rothschild-slave President”. And so implies kind of a “no hope” attitude about Trump, et al. However, there is an Alliance, that goes far beyond Trump himself…


Former Japanese Prime Ministers Koizumi and Nakasone in Guantanamo, Japanese police say

Former Japanese Prime Ministers Junichiro Koizumi and Yasuhiro Nakasone were taken last week by U.S. military police to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Japanese police and underworld sources both say.  A person at Koizumi’s office, when asked if this is true, said, “There is nobody here…


Pentagon plans to deport Zionists as global financial reset looms

The U.S. military-industrial complex is making serious moves against Zionists, preparing to expel many of them to a Jewish autonomous zone in Siberia, Pentagon sources say…


Benjamin Fulford 8/19/19 Update: U.S. government suffers from terminal Epstein-Barr infection

The U.S. political dialogue of late has been dominated by Mossad pedophile blackmailer Jeffery Epstein and Bush-era Iran Contra cover-up artist Attorney General William Barr, and this is probably no coincidence…


A Labor Of Love With The Golden Jackass

Well, here we are…the unofficial end of summer. It’s Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. which means we are in the midst of a 3-day weekend. And you know what that means here at TFMR! Fresh Jackass for everyone! When Jim and I recorded this back on Thursday, time was somewhat short…..


A Labor Of Love With The Golden Jackass

Well, here we are…the unofficial end of summer. It’s Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. which means we are in the midst of a 3-day weekend. And you know what that means here at TFMR! Fresh Jackass for everyone! When Jim and I recorded this back on Thursday, time was somewhat short…


It’s Can-Kicking Time Again In The Imperial City

You have to hand it to the Donald. He speaks his mind. This week he dropped an unwelcome stink bomb on Capitol Hill during his Phoenix rant Tuesday night. If Mexico won’t pay for my wall, he seemed to say, than Congress will—-even if I have to shutdown the Imperial City to extract the first $1…


Trademarking your Name and Registering it as an Asset to the Corportion of USA, Inc and subsideiaries

(Anna von Reitz) When you are born and your parents give you a name it is a Trade Name issued on the land jurisdiction of your birth state— like Oklahoma, but your innocent parents don’t hurry over to the land recording office and record your Common Law Copyright of your given name…
